Financial Results

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Entity share price and trade volume are published in Warsaw Stock Exchange website 

Key financial indicators*20192020202120222023
Sales 178.020 154.507 135.475 115.353 109.480
Sales in the Lithuanian market 95.478 83.837 74.878 78.467 95.124
Sales in foreign markets (Poland, Baltic States, CIS and Spain)** 82.542 70.670 60.597 36.886 14.356
Area under management in Lithuania (Thousand sq. m) 14.420 13.634 13.658 13.803 14.076
Area under management in foreign markets (Thousand sq. m) 20.811 13.681 6.867 2.766 1.698
12.562 13.201 (7.348) 664 10.377
EBITDA margin (%) 7,06% 8,54% (5.42%) 0,58% 9.48%
Operating profit EBIT 3.560 6.471 (13.455) (3.177) 6.577
EBIT margin (%) 2,00% 4,00% (9.93%) (2,75%) 6.01%
Earnings before tax EBT 2.467 7.390 (13.316) (4.400) 7.461
EBT margin (%) 1.39% 4.78% (9.83%) (3,81) 6.81%
Net profit 1,455 5,114 (14.978) (5.176) 5.912
Net profit in foreign markets (Poland, Latvia, Russia and Spain) -613 -4,817 (13.400) (10.752) (2.522)
Net profit margin (%) 0,82% 3,31% (11.06%) (4,49%) 5.40%
Profit per share (EUR) 0,05 0,16 (0.47) (0,15) 0.19
Return on equity ROE (%) 3% 11% (75%) (0,29) 0.25
Return on assets ROA (%) 1% 4% (16%) (0,07) 0.07


*Key financial data and ratios until 2023 are presented including discontinued and continued operations. All amounts in key financial indicators are in EUR thousand unless otherwise stated.

**Group companies operating in St. Petersburg were disposed during 2022, Poland, Czech and Portugal were disposed during 2023. (further disclosed in 2.3.Significant events).